7 Foods to Maximize the Benefits of CBD Oil

CBD oil is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments. Taking CBD oil with food can help maximize its potential benefits, as certain foods can help absorb CBD more efficiently. Oily fish, avocados, MCT oil, coconut, eggs, and other foods with high levels of healthy fats are all great options to take with CBD. Here are seven foods that can help you get the most out of your CBD oil.

Oily Fish

: Salmon, mackerel, trout, herring and other fatty fish are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and nutrients.

Eating these types of fish before taking CBD can help preserve the CBD molecules and increase absorption.


: Avocados are one of the most popular “healthy fats” and adding them to your CBD routine can maximize bioavailability.


: Taking CBD oil with MCT oil is beneficial, but eating more coconut will increase absorption and bioavailability levels.


: Eggs are another great source of healthy fats and they are perfect to take with CBD if you're looking to get the most out of your product.

Eating eggs for breakfast followed by a dose of CBD is a great way to start your day.


: Nuts are packed with healthy fats and proteins that can help increase absorption rates when taken with CBD.


: Cheese is another food that is high in healthy fats and proteins that can help increase absorption rates when taken with CBD.

Dark Chocolate

: Dark chocolate is a great source of healthy fats and antioxidants that can help increase absorption rates when taken with CBD.

Taking CBD on a full stomach creates the best environment for it to provide as many benefits as possible. Allowing CBD oil to fully dissolve under the mucous glands located under the tongue allows it to enter the bloodstream more efficiently. Eating a regular amount along with one of these seven foods maximizes the potential to offer benefits.

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